Exposition Day
Second Semester Student Project Based Learning - Presentations
Second Semester Whole-school Work Displays
Barred Yearly Awards Ceremony
Moving on Ceremony & End of Year Bash
Ceremony to say goodbye to students graduating and moving on from Barred next school year,
Party to celebrate the close of the school year.
Location TBD.
Students will have a 1/2 day (8 am - 11 am) and be dismissed to parent/guardian/caretaker care; families and students will meet at the event location at 12 pm.
Exposition Day
Student project presentations and work displays.
Time may change depending on the nature of student projects.
No School - Hopes & Dreams Parent Conferences
No regular school.
Parents & students attend conferences together.
Back to School Night
Parent orientation.
Parents & guardians only.
No childcare provided.
2024 - 2025 First Day of School: All Students
We’re looking forward to a fantastic school year!
Meet and Greet
Come say hello to your teachers, get your locker assignment, and tell us about your summer!
Summer Learning Institute: The Barred Academy
Summer Learning Institute
8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Monday through Friday
Award Ceremony & Moving-On Farewell
Join us for coffee & snacks at 8:30 am, followed by our annual awards ceremony, and hopefully a not too tearful farewell to students who will be moving on next school year.
Field Trip: Boulder Museum
Please stay tuned for specific scheduling details, permission slips, and chaperone sign-up!